Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tick, tick, tick....

Embarrassingly I have a confession to make. I want to be a grandmother! I am definitely one of those annoying Moms, always begging my MARRIED kids for a grandchild. As I told my daughter-in-law, although her biological clock might not be ticking mine certainly was. I NEEDED a baby in my life.  Who doesn’t love the yummy smells, the sensation of a baby laying on your chest and feeling their heart beat on yours? Those tender moments at feeding time when it’s just you and your baby and she is staring intently into your eyes, my heart is melting just at the memory.
Thankfully my kids always listen to their mom. Happily today is my granddaughter’s due date.  Since little girl has decided not to make an appearance on her own, her beautiful mommy will be induced tomorrow.  It seems baby girl is rather large, and mommy is rather small, not a good combo for natural childbirth.  So today we all sit on pins and needles anxious to meet the newest member of the family.  Will she look like her daddy? Will she be as fussy as he was as a baby? Will she have her mommy’s delicate features? What color will her eyes be?  Only time will tell…..

Friday, February 8, 2013

There's history in those hands.....

I remember when I was a little girl hearing my Mom say she couldn't believe her hands were starting to look just like her mom's. I asked what she meant and she patiently pointed out the large veins, and the many brown "age" spots as she called them. I vaguely remember thinking she was crazy, Grandma is old and she wasn't.  Plus hands can't possibly look alike, they belong just to you. Fast forward, too many years to mention....
I recently removed my acrylics nails. I have had them on for 25 long years! After my 1st manicure I looked down and lo and behold, like my mother before me I saw my mothers hand in my own, large veins, the brown "age" spots, they are all there, even the shape of my fingers. Since I look so much like my Dad I never imagined I would see what I saw. My mind tells me it should make me feel old, but its strangely comforting. Now I am beginning to wonder will my daughter who looks so much like her dad find herself looking down one day and see history in her hands. Only time will tell..