One of my earliest memories is of my Mom pregnant with my sister. I still vividly remember the blue gingham maternity top she was wearing, and her long black curly hair. I used to brush her hair to help her relax, I was 4. Then 50 years ago today 12-03-1963 my world changed forever, it was the day my mom gave birth to my baby sister Lisa. I wasn't one of those older sibs who wanted to know when she was going back, no, she was my real life Baby Doll! I still remember sitting next to her crib watching her sleep and waiting patiently for her to wake up, sometimes to my Mothers chagrin, I would gently shake the crib, just so she would wake up and I could play with her. While we had our typical sibling fights, they were few and far between, we were and remain to this day the best of friends. We talk almost everyday, we have experienced heartache, great joy and happy times together. So today Lisa I celebrate you and hope in this next phase of life, you know the over-the-hill phase, you make it the best yet! Take risks, find love, change it up, enjoy your friends, make everyday count, make everyday the best day yet! If you do who knows what the future will hold for you, Only time will tell.....